thanks mom for giving me that necessary push so i could be born 25 years ago.
wow. so 25, the number i'm not liking so much, but that's ok because i have much to accomplish this year. i know that resolutions are made on january 1st for the upcoming year but i don't do the usual anyway, so why start now?
resolutions for my year of 25:
1) i want to run a marathon. running was my sport as a child/teen/young adult...i miss it. plus, these are my peak years for endurance sports, i need to make the best out of it.
2) start playing my fiddle. i've played the violin since i was 6...i miss it as well.
3) meditation. my aunt bought me a "meditation for beginners" cd a few years back. i've used it maybe 3x since. i can really tell the difference after, i just feel more relaxed and less chaotic...i need less chaos.
4) ride my bike. this is for many reasons (selling my car, exercise, save money, be eco-friendly..)
5) talk to my family and friends more. and when i say talk, i mean literally talk..formal communication not texting or emails. i'm bad at this.
well those are a few that i'm starting with because i can't think of anymore off the top of my head.
random thoughts.
sheesh. lots of thoughts on this day...
i don' t feel old per se...older that's for sure. it just makes me realize that time is passing by, fast, and i'm not a fan. being older does have its' advantages, i wouldn't be living in colorado on my own if i was still 17. although, at times, i do miss the good old days when life was, without a doubt, much...simpler. ahhhh, good times.