no. this post is not about one of the best poets/playwrights/authors...named oscar wilde. who wouldn't love someone who has said things like, "everything popular is wrong." or my absolute favorite, "to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist, that's all." it.

No, no, i'm talking about, what i think is the best song from a group called company of thieves. my friend, weinel, got me going on this little threesome from chi town. now, what i think is their best song, is also their most popular; and it's called, 'oscar wilde', from their album, 'ordinary riches'.

the music video for 'oscar wilde' was made to look like a segment from a fantastic wes anderson film, 'rushmore'...which funny enough, i think one of the best parts of the movie (on this clip the part comes around at patient).
another funny thing numero of oscar wilde's famous quotes started with the words, 'ordinary riches'...i'm wondering if there is a connection here. by golly, i think there is...way to go company of thieves. so witty.
i love the song almost as much as i love lady windermere's fan. thanks for this :) I'VE BEEN WAITING.