let's see what i have followed through with on this blog thingy.
-starting up my beer tour de world again and sharing the different tastes of awesome brews from around the globe. fail.
-writing about new music once a week, finding rad new groups that rock. fail.
-writing on this blog thingy at all. fail.
hmmm...let's see now...that's 3 fails and 0 succeeds. yep. i suck at this.
sorry, i have had no motivation. however folks, i feel a 2nd wind emerging and i'm not talking about my ibs...no, no, motivation for blogging is what i feel. and it, my friends, is coming on strong. after california next week, i will be back in action writing about things; things that probably don't really matter to society but they matter to me, so yah..i'll be back.