right now, this band would have to be my absolute favorite. i actually came across them while using my favorite internet radio friend pandora, about 2 years ago (sidenote: grooveshark actually rocks my world more now..). if you haven't used pandora, which i'm assuming everyone has unless you're my grams and do not own a computer, use it..for real, use it right now. you'll find some amazing stuff.
anyway, band of horses...
they just came out with 'infinite arms' and are actually on tour as we speak (or type).
i'm going to be visiting the fillmore in d-town on september 29 to listen to these boys. and back home, you kcmo folk, don't hesitate to make an appearance at the blue note in columbia, mo on july 14...soon, very soon people.
to get you prepped, check out: laredo and nw apt. (as well as the others..those 2 are just my personal favorites.)
and if you really end up digging these seattle/carolina's boys look up their old stuff which as of now is all i've really been listening to.
'cease to begin' album (2007): is there a ghost & no one's gonna love you
'everything all the time' album (2006): the great salt lake & the funeral
my favorite at the moment from 'cease to begin' album: the general specific

favorite word count: 4..
i need a new word.